Hunger is a bigger issue for outdoor survival than many think. Not only does it cloud your thinking, but it also makes you clumsy and slow, which can result in an injury.
This is why learning more about survival food supplies is a crucial part of preparing for your outdoor expedition, whether it’s a short, day-long trip or one that will last several days. Here are a few things to consider when shopping for survival food supplies.
The type of survival food supplies you pack with you depends entirely on how long you plan to be out in the wilderness.
If you plan on simply hiking for an afternoon, it’s still a good idea to bring some long lasting snacks with you, such as beef jerky, fruit strips, granola bars, or trail mix.
At the very least, these snacks will keep your energy up without leaving you feeling bloated. At most, they’ll be able to provide you with strength and nourishment in the event that you get lost.
Are you planning on camping for a week or two? While you may end up taking a variety of fun snacks and meals with you, it’s still a good idea to plan ahead and bring some survival food supplies as well.

These include meals that naturally last for weeks or more, such as freeze dried, dehydrated, vacuum sealed, or canned foods.
Fortunately, most foods of this kind are designed for easy packing, making them easy to include without overburdening you.
Smart survivalists also include a field guide among their survival food supplies. This allows them to identify various edible mushrooms, nuts, berries, roots, and seeds.
Detailed ones may even tell you how to prepare them. Along with keeping you from accidentally eating anything poisonous, your chances of finding foraged foods are much better with a good guide.
Are you planning for long term survival? If so, sometimes dehydrated or freeze dried meals just won’t do. While these meals are great for lasting weeks or even months in the wild, there’s always the chance that they might suffer water damage and go bad.
If you plan on surviving in the wild for years or more, survival seeds are a must. These natural seeds are perfect for planting all of your favorite vegetables.
Whether you’re preparing for an emergency or you just want to save money on produce, these survival food supplies are very useful indeed. Learn more today!