Can you imagine being away from your computer for an extended period of time? No internet, no email, no funny jokes, no games to play? Many people have found themselves in this position when the unexpected happens. In the event of a natural disaster, terrorist event or a bird flu pandemic, having access to your computer could be a lifesaver. Are you one of the many people … [Read more...] about How to Prepare a Bug Out Laptop Kit
flu pandemic
Is The End Near?
During the past year, hundreds of thousands have perished at the hands of a mother nature run amok. Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and torrential rains have served us notice that for all our brilliant achievements, we are not masters of the earth. Those who adhere to the prophecies of the past suggest that the cataclysm of world destruction is coming, that the … [Read more...] about Is The End Near?